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It has just been announced that there are 7 presenters for the “new and
improved” Top Gear but the question is.. Is it “Seventh Heaven!?”
So Chris Evans was announced ages ago and then a shock to the system last
week came in the form of Matt Le Blanc. But Top Gear hadn’t finished and
the line up now consists of Chris, Matt, The Stig and relative unknowns
Sabine Spitz, Rory Reid, Chris Harris and Eddie Jordan. But why so many?
Will that not distract from the action of the show? Let’s be real, it’s
about the cars, not the names HOWEVER Jeremy, Richard and James were a formidable team. They made it fun, they made it real and a Sunday night
will never be the same without them. Matt Le Blanc was chosen because he
was the fastest celebrity driver on the circuit so he is an obvious choice
but if rumour is true, Chris Evans puking while Sabine Spitz drives
manically around the track, what hope does this TV show have of keeping
viewers, let alone exciting them.
Who would get the fastest lap time at Keylift forklift truck training….eh team?