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After a packed week of forklift truck training in Liverpool I visited the Burnley Blues Festival.
It’s such a big event and since its launch in 1998, some of the best artists in the world have been here. The famous American outfit Sugar Ray and the Blue Tones was top of the bill at the Mechanics on one of the days.
The history of the blues is fascinating with all the blues men coming from poverty. Most of them learned the guitar on homemade string affairs. Robert Johnson was the man who started it being popular. Then there was lead belly, Little Walter but the list is too long to mention them all. We mustn’t forget Muddy Waters who was helped by Big Bill Bronzy to get a toe hold on the scene and in later years there was Satchmo who blew a mean trumpet.
We at Keylift are just going to blow our own trumpet for a moment. We provide forklift truck training in Liverpool and all other areas and is carried out by ‘RTITB’ trained instructors at ultra-competitive prices.
We also provide first aid training courses, manual handling training courses, pedestrian pallet training and much more….. That’s enough about us… back to the blues.
They had venues all across the town in pubs, cafes and the Mechanics. The Blues Brothers belted out some mean tunes in the town centre. Hapton teen singer, Nicole Talmer sung to the crowds in Charter Walk. The line-up for the main stage on Friday was none other than Jimmie Vaughan. He is one of the biggest blues names in the world and has played all the big gigs in America along with BB King and Eric Clapton.
The Mechanics is such a good place to see brilliant acts from tribute bands to the real thing. They have comedians, plays and a whole host of other talents on offer. Why not check it out?
If you are looking for training why not check out our prices? Just visit our contact us page for more information.
Until next time….take care.