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Boaty McBoatface wins the Poll
Well.. It comes as no surprise to anyone who voted or has been watching the
vote but Boaty McBoatface wins the naming of the £200 million polar
research vessel. But has it sunk before it has even had chance to set sail?
RRS Boaty McBoatface had just over 124,000 votes with Poppy-Mai, named
after young girl with terminal cancer being its closest rival with just
over 34,000 but the government are planning to overrule the people’s
favourite claiming that it is not scientific enough.
There was some interest in RRS Henry Wolsely, commemorating an Antarctic
explorer who died in January but 4th place continued to buck the trend of
sensible and RRS It’s Bloody Cold Here was announced.
Arguments for Boaty McBoatface rage on currently with NERCS stating that
they will announce the winner soon but surely the British public have
already decided that? Boaty McBoatface may bring children closer to science
and they may share more interest in the subject however should we as people
be remembering the great people who bravely went to the Antarctic and
carried out expeditions..? Both have s convincing argument.
Here at the forklift training centre we think one thing’s for sure.. The British Public have a sense
of humour!