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How To Pass A Practical Forklift Test (7 Steps)
You’d think to pass a practical forklift test would be easy but nothing worth doing is easy. I can give you some recommendations and if you follow these 7 steps then you won’t go far wrong.
7 Steps To Pass A Practical Forklift Test
1) Always listen to your forklift instructor. The likelihood is that they’ve been in the business a long time and they WILL have the qualifications to prove it so follow their guidance and listen carefully. This is the first step in passing a practical forklift test
2) Ask questions. When you are trying to pass a practical forklift test and in classroom sessions, don’t be afraid to ask questions. If you don’t ask-you might not pass your forklift truck theory test! The instructors are there to meet your needs so utilise their support and become an expert!
3) Mobile phones. You would think that smart phones wouldn’t be allowed on the shop floor. However, we find so many candidates messing with their phones. We all know how they are built to distract us and steal attention away from the key tasks that we need to complete. Put your phone away-it can’t pass the test for you. Use it on breaks and to revise your forklift theory test but not when you are about to do a practical.

4) Practise Practise Practise. The key to any test is to revise so practise safely and follow your instructor’s instructions to the letter. It also doesn’t hurt to do a little revision yourself, like what to expect when doing your practical forklift test and there’s always YouTube who can help your research.
5) Do not get distracted by other people on your course. We all know what it’s like when a group of friends get together and there’s a lot of camaraderie but remember, they can’t do your test for you and so if YOU mess up-it’s all on you.
6) Watch the videos available and learn from other candidates’ mistakes. Listen intently when the instructor is correcting mistakes-they are doing this to help you not to criticise you. Remember that it’s OK to make mistakes! Learn from them and try to improve so you can ace the test.
7) When you have finished and passed your test, you can scan the QR code on your certificate. This will help you find out more information on our courses and there are some tests to further your knowledge.
AND FINALLY, once you have gained these skills-keep practising and always aim to improve. Just because you have a certificate, doesn’t mean that you are an expert, but you can be.
For any further information on courses, please do not hesitate to contact us.