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Well.. The polar expeditions team have a new boat and have asked the British Public to name this wonderful vessel . The polar research vessel, expected to be operational in 2019, is set to sail throughout Antarctica and the Arctic carrying a team of 90 scientists and support staff providing the UK with the most advanced research ship fleet in the world which will put us at the forefront of ocean research over the next few years.
However will our RRS (Royal Research Ship) match up to other countries with a name like “Boaty McBoatface!?”
The names they were expecting corresponded with great explorers past and present including the late David Attenborough and Henry Worsley however what they received shows the Great British Public at it’s very best with names being offered like.. Not the Titanic, Ice Ice Baby, Kanye West, Usain Boat, Pingu and Big Metal Floaty Thingy. But there was a clear favourite from the outset.. “Boaty McBoatface.”
Boaty McBoatface was suggested by ex Radio Jersey DJ, James Hand, who recently tweeted an apology for the silly suggestion stating that he didn’t think it would become as big as it has. The website has crashed now several times and may have even been taken offline due to high demand to vote for the most loved name, “Boaty McBoatface”. Whether this name is crowned eventual winner of not, remains to be seen but RRS Henry Worsley or David Attenborough will always be Boaty McBoatface to us.
Keylift Forklift Truck Training Burnley would like to here your thoughts. What do you think? Please comment below.