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Watergate Article while Forklift Truck Training
Watergate article while Forklift Truck Training.
The hose pipe ban is making itself felt in more ways than one. I was carrying out some Forklift Truck training at a firm and picked up the paper from the previous day. It seems they spotted a hose pipe running at the water Ministers 20,000 acre estate. The paper accused Richard Benyon of breaking the ban and asked him and his aides about the water being wasted. There was no response. The paper published their story and he hit back by saying his estate has its own private supply from a bore hole. He also accused the reporters of turning the hose pipe on. The paper later said they were sorry for accusing Mr Benyon and said that it online pokies play could have been avoided if he had told them he had his own supply. They are now demanding an apology from the Minister for false claims about them turning on the hosepipe.
Water fountains across London have had their supply cut off because of the ban. There has been 30 fountains cut off and the ban is expected to last all summer. The London authority is trying to get Trafalgar Square fountain turned on for the Olympic Games and for the Diamond Jubilee. Other fountains have been turned off also but the Diana Memorial Fountain, in Hyde Park, has its own borehole supply.
The ban could last into the autumn unless there is a very wet year. This ban will save 150 million litres of water a day. To get the same saving from mending leaky pipes would cost £1.2 billion and take 10 years.
Here at Keylift we think that with the amount of rain that falls we could build more reservoirs; this would employ people and be good in the long run. It is just an opinion, we are not specialists in this area but we are in Forklift Truck training, First Aid training courses, Manual Handling training courses and much more.
If you require training please visit our contact us page on our website, we’ll be happy to help.
Take Care.