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Who Can Deliver Forklift Training.
When selecting a company to deliver forklift training. You need to make sure that the instructor conducting the training has the necessary qualifications and experience to deliver the forklift course. In our opinion not enough companies carry out competence checks on us!! So next time you book a training course please ask us to send you our qualifications.
The reason you should ask the training company for the instructors qualifications and experience is because it’s the employers responsibility to provide ‘adequate’ training. This is stated on the HSE website. This means if there was an accident involving a forklift truck operator and HSE feel you as an employer hasn’t provided adequate training, you could be held responsible.
This means you have every right to refuse the instructor if you do not feel the instructor delivering the training has an adequate level of competence.
Make sure your keeping in line with the forklift truck training legal requirements
3 Important Qualities When Selecting An Instructor.
1 – Operating And Industry Experience

Has the instructor got operating experience? How can somebody teach any subject if they haven’t got the experience themselves! Have they got the experience to train in the industry environment you work in.
A CV is a good document to ask for to clarify the instructors own operating experience.
2 – Instructor/Teaching Qualification

Below is a list of qualifications you can look for when selecting an instructor to deliver your forklift training. The instructor doesn’t need all of these but a selection of them would prove they can deliver a lesson correctly to your staff.
– Instructor certificate from an awarding body
– Level 3 award in education and training (previously know as PTTLS)
– Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement (previously know as A1 assessors certificate)
There is a long list of various teaching qualifications that would make the instructor competent in the area they are teaching in.
3 – Insurance Certificate
An insurance policy that meets your criteria. Some companies will require various levels of public liability insurance.
Your job is to make sure the instructor has both the operating experience you feel is competent coupled with a recognised teaching qualification and insurance policy. This is one step closer to selecting the correct trainer.
A good training company should do these due diligence themselves, however we’ve found not all training companies do. You’ve every right to ask for the instructors certificates. Here at Keylift forklift Training we always request and receive all certificates from the instructor before we send them on a job.
Should I Use An Accredited Company To Deliver Forklift Training?
As far as the HSE are concerned you do not need to use an accredited company. If you look at the HSE ACOP L117 section 96 it states ‘HSE no longer administers an accrediting bodies scheme’
There’s good and bad companies out there who are accredited and not accredited. As stated previously, which ever company you use, accredited or not accredited, make sure they are competent before they deliver your forklift training.
So from now on, this is what you should do before you book any training. Make sure you are fully satisfied with the company and be happy with the instructor and their level of competence.
Find out forklift truck training prices near you to keep in line with training requirements. Or you can check out our frequently asked questions for more information regarding training in the workplace.
That is all for now.