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World Malaria Day is commemorated every year on 25 April and recognizes
global efforts to control malaria. Globally, 3.3 billion people in 106
countries are at risk of malaria. In 2012, malaria caused an estimated
627,000 deaths, mostly among African children. Every 2 minutes a child dies
from malaria, over the past few years, these deaths have been halved. So
what are we doing to combat the huge amount of deaths per year?
Several charities are raising money to provide clean water, mosquito nets
and are educating people in malaria prone areas about the disease and even
though there has been a slight reduction in deaths.. We need to do more to
stop such a sudden and debilitating illness.
What are the symptoms? Symptoms differ from person to person but include
fever, fatigue, vomiting and headaches but in extreme cases it can yellow
skin, seizures, coma and death. Doesn’t sound nice, huh!?
In July 2003, I travelled to Ghana to complete some charity work through a
Christian organisation. Not having practised my religion since I was 13, I
was extremely bored of the long church services and going from church to
church to meet Catholic Priests who were excited about their “Obroni”
visitor (white woman). I had been in the area almost 2 weeks teaching and I
suddenly became ill one day and to my horror I was vomiting blood. At this
point I realised I was in trouble. I hobbled over to the person who was in
charge of me and I was rushed to the “best” hospital in Africa. It was
covered in filth and to have an X-Ray you had to take the whole of the top
of your clothes off as they were not advanced.
After attempting to take my blood with a dirty needle whilst I screamed,
they were ushered out and in came a Dutch doctor who attended to my every
wim and need who apologised profusely for their negligence, I was just
lucky they didn’t use the unsterilised equipment.
My mum flew to stay with me as I endured nights of screaming patients on
the psych ward nearby and listened to the screams of wardens as they
battered a cobra that had somehow slithered its way into the hospital
grounds. Day 2: I lost my sight and was left only with grainy hearing and
my touch-now I was scared. The nurses regularly came in adjusting my drip
up then down then up then down which prolonged my suffering as they were
actually making my stay longer-this was a tactic as they would daily bring
Ghanaian people in to look at the whites woman. This also increased the
funding for their hospital as the insurance was paying them for every
night’s stay.
I hadn’t eaten in over 5 days and felt awful and it was then that I decided
I was well enough to discharge myself so with my sight back, my mum and I
set off back to where we were staying to recuperate. I hadn’t had a shower
in 5 days and I had a very high fever but felt frozen so I’m sure my smell
was enough to turn milk but alas I felt better at my own place. It took
weeks to get better but I stayed and continued my placement for the next 5
weeks.. Unfortunately once it is in your bloodstream, you can be struck
down at any time and as soon as I got back to England-this was the case.
I was one of the lucky people and I feel that education is key. At the
time, I was on a new medication to prevent malaria but I reacted badly to
it thus making the quantity of medication going into my body-smaller. I
also used bug spray and a mosquito net but this obviously wasn’t enough. I
think education is key and especially for backpackers such as myself. Being
close to stagnant water or not checking your net for holes, forgetting a
days medication can also prove to be factors in this awful disease so I
urge you to spread the word, donate and think when you next go abroad..
Here are the top 10 tips to stay safe..
1) Have some FIRST AID AWARENESS and use insect repellent-even when you don’t think there’s a great risk.
2) Stay in well screened areas at night and use mosquito nets-Check for
holes regularly and use one impregnated with insecticides.
3) Get good insurance-You might not need it bit better to be safe than
4) Take malaria tablets-Don’t forget a dose and take regular as clockwork!
5) Sunscreen first-Always slip, slap and slop the sunscreen on first THEN
your mosquito repellent.
6) Learn about the area you are going-research, research and more research.
Know what is safe and get any relevant jabs that you might need.
7) Try wear long loose fitting sleeves or pants when in malaria prone areas.
8) If you experience flu like symptoms whilst away or even 6 months after
visiting that area-get checked out and be in the safe side.
9) Malaria kits are available over the counter in some countries for a
small price so if necessary, but one and check your own blood. It’s only a
pin prick to the finger.
10) If you get malaria-don’t panic. Most people who have symptoms are
treated immediately and make a full recovery.
For more INFORMATION or if you would like to donate to the Malaria No Mire
Campaign. Please click on the LINK.
These funds go towards providing proper protection to people living in
malaria prone areas including providing fresh water and mosquito nets and
also aid the development of a vaccine which trials are still ongoing with.